
the archivist May 25, 2006

Девушка пела в церковном хоре А.А. Блок Девушка пела в церковном хоре О всех усталых в чужом краю, О всех кораблях, ушедших в море, О всех забывших радость свою. Так пел её голос, летящий в купол, И луч сиял на белом плече, И каждый из мрака смотрел и слушал, Как белое платье пело в луче. […]

the archivist May 24, 2006

Remember Christina Georgina Rossetti Remember me when I am gone away, Gone far away into the silent land; When you can no more hold me by the hand, Nor I half turn to go yet turning stay. Remember me when no more day by day You tell me of our future that you planned: Only […]

the archivist May 18, 2006

Лотова жена Анна Ахматова Жена же Лотова оглянула позади его и стала соляным столпом. Книга Бытия И праведник шел за посланником бога, Огромный и светлый, по черной горе. Но громко жене говорила тревога: Не поздно, ты можешь еще посмотреть На красные башни родного Содома, На площадь, где пела, на двор, где пряла, На окна пустые […]

the archivist May 6, 2006

Langston Hughes Theme For English B The instructor said,       Go home and write       a page tonight.       And let that page come out of you –       Then, it will be true. I wonder if it’s that simple? I am twenty-two, colored, born in Winston-Salem. I went to school there, then Durham, then […]

the archivist May 4, 2006

the lesson of the moth Don Marquis i was talking to a moth the other evening he was trying to break into an electric light bulb and fry himself on the wires why do you fellows pull this stunt i asked him because it is the conventional thing for moths or why if that had […]

the archivist May 3, 2006

Niagara Vachel Lindsay I Within the town of Buffalo Are prosy men with leaden eyes. Like ants they worry to and fro, (Important men, in Buffalo.) But only twenty miles away A deathless glory is at play: Niagara, Niagara. The women buy their lace and cry: — “O such a delicate design,” And over ostrich […]

the archivist May 3, 2006

But Not To Me Sara Teasdale The April night is still and sweet With flowers on every tree; Peace comes to them on quiet feet, But not to me. My peace is hidden in his breast Where I shall never be; Love comes to-night to all the rest, But not to me.

the archivist May 2, 2006

The Leaf and the Tree Edna St. Vincent Millay When will you learn, myself, to be a dying leaf on a living tree? Budding, swelling, growing strong, Wearing green, but not for long, Drawing sustenance from air, That other leaves, and you not there, May bud, and at the autumn’s call Wearing russet, ready to […]

the archivist May 2, 2006

288 Emily Dickinson I’m Nobody! Who are you? Are you—Nobody—Too? Then there’s a pair of us! Don’t tell! they’d advertise—you know! How dreary—to be—Somebody! How public—like a Frog— To tell one’s name—the livelong June— To an admiring Bog!   A pair of them? I’m intrigued that there are two substantially different versions of this poem […]

the archivist May 1, 2006

ГАМЛЕТ Борис Пастернак Гул затих. Я вышел на подмостки. Прислонясь к дверному косяку, Я ловлю в далеком отголоске, Что случится на моем веку. На меня наставлен сумрак ночи Тысячью биноклей на оси. Если только можно, Aвва Oтче, Чашу эту мимо пронеси. Я люблю твой замысел упрямый И играть согласен эту роль. Но сейчас идет другая […]

the archivist April 28, 2006

you shall above all things be glad and young e.e. cummings you shall above all things be glad and young For if you’re young, whatever life you wear it will become you;and if you are glad whatever’s living will yourself become. Girlboys may nothing more than boygirls need: i can entirely her only love whose […]

the archivist April 28, 2006

In A Dark Time Theodore Roethke In a dark time, the eye begins to see, I meet my shadow in the deepening shade; I hear my echo in the echoing wood– A lord of nature weeping to a tree, I live between the heron and the wren, Beasts of the hill and serpents of the […]

the archivist April 27, 2006

The Reader Wallace Stevens All night I sat reading a book, Sat reading as if in a book Of sombre pages. It was autumn and falling stars Covered the shrivelled forms Crouched in moonlight. No lamp was burning as I read, A voice was mumbling, “Everything Falls back to coldness, Even the musky muscadines, The […]

the archivist April 26, 2006

A Dream Within a Dream Edgar Allen Poe Take this kiss upon the brow! And, in parting from you now, Thus much let me avow — You are not wrong, who deem That my days have been a dream; Yet if hope has flown away In a night, or in a day, In a vision, […]