I love, love, love T.S. Eliot’s Four Quartets (previously). The words, “We shall not cease from exploration” give me goosebumps every time I read them. How does one take those words to heart, to take a visceral experience and illuminate the everyday tedium with it? To just not cease from exploration? Can it be that simple?
I don’t know. But here goes.
When I started blogging in 2002, I would often list what I was reading/watching/listening to/thinking about. (I’m pretty sure this idea first came from Dooce.) Then I moved from updating an HTML doc on my self-hosted site to a blogging platform (shame: LiveJournal), and the practice kind of tapered off. So without further ado, or adieu, here are some recent discoveries:
- To Kill a Mockingbird: yes, it’s completely shameful that I hadn’t read this before. It’s fantastic.
- Elliott BROOD: just discovered them this morning. As you may know, I am secretly Canadian and this speaks to me.
- Laurie Notaro: I am 9 pages into I Love Everybody (and Other Atrocious Lies).
- Carolina: total fluffy movie you can stream on Netflix. I want Julia Stiles’ entire wardrobe. Plus it has Alessandro Nivola!
- Traditional Medicinals EveryDay Detox tea: See, I can drink a pot of coffee and go to bed, and I tend to ignore a headache instead of medicating… I’m not very sensitive, shall we say. But I actually feel different–better–when I drink this. Go figure.
- Current travel obsession: Cabo San Lucas. The beach under the Arch should be coming back in 2015…