
the archivist December 11, 2012

Trzy słowa najdziwniejsze Wisława Szymborska Kiedy wy­mawiam słowo Przyszłość, pier­wsza sy­laba od­chodzi już do przeszłości. Kiedy wy­mawiam słowo Cisza, niszczę ją. Kiedy wy­mawiam słowo Nic, stwarzam coś, co nie mieści się w żad­nym nieby­cie. * * * * * * * * The Three Oddest Words Wisława Szymborska Translated by Clare Cavanagh and Stanisław Barańczak When I pronounce the word […]

the archivist February 2, 2012

Wisława Szymborska died yesterday. She was 88. I love Poland for celebrating its poets, finding cultural heroes not only in the past but also the present day cities and villages (and shipyards). Though in Szymborska’s case, perhaps it was the worst thing to happen to her, worsening her agoraphobia. The Nobel she won silenced her […]