
the archivist September 20, 2017

Search Terms Bring You Here I love advice columns in general, even when the columnist is terrible at his/her job. It’s fascinating, the problems that resonate so strongly inside a person that they ask a stranger for help. Anyway. Captain Awkward is one of the good ones, but one of my favorite series on the […]

the archivist December 11, 2012

Advice to My Son Peter Meinke (For Tim) The trick is, to live your days as if each one may be your last (for they go fast, and young men lose their lives in strange and unimaginable ways) but at the same time, plan long range (for they go slow; if you survive the shattered […]

the archivist February 1, 2012

Karl: Okay, I have another question. I could answer myself but I would like to ask you. What is your idea of a perfect day? Karl: Every day should be perfect. It’s up to you to work on it and to make the day perfect. There is no perfect day. It is a very sad […]